Suparna Bhasin:

Founder & CEO at She Creates Change


Thank you, thank you! Our society so badly needs this and thank you for all of your heart and commitment to creating this. I am excited to head into the world and appreciate and learn from men in a way I never have before. And love them!

~A.M. Occupational Therapist


I finally found something I want to shout from the rooftops! I wish we all had this knowledge. Suddenly, change and joy seemed possible even easy. It does not have to be a fight! I didn’t know men see me as so beautiful, that I am such a gifts to them. I didn’t know men are so loving, deep and beautiful. Such profound healing – the fundamental permission to be who I am. to creating this. I am excited to head into the world and appreciate and learn from men in a way I never have before. And love them!

~K.P. Grad student


Since Michelle’s first workshop on Making Sense of Men, it has transformed my relationship with my husband almost instantly. I walked out of her 2 hour workshop in tears, and apologized for to my husband for not knowing how to receive his love all these years. After taking the Queen’s Code workshop with Michelle, I’ve learned to communicate with my husband differently. I’ve recommended it to all my friends who have issues with men, and what I continue to tell them is that “it was the most healing weekend I’ve ever experienced in terms of relationships with men”. to creating this. I am excited to head into the world and appreciate and learn from men in a way I never have before. And love them!

~M.H. Coach


WOW …is all I can say!!
I just really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming all the way from NY so the ladies in Boston could experience this transformational weekend! You are incredibly amazing – you are truly coming from your heart and so passionate about sharing this information with women!! I am extremely grateful for this phenomenal and life-changing weekend that you shared with us!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING YOU!! YOU ARE A GIFT TO ALL OF US!



The workshop was excellent. Practical and empowering. I came in on day 1 really not thinking and feeling positively at all about men. I am leaving full of gratitude that I have them in my life. I am so appreciative of the gifts I received this weekend and cannot wait to began interacting with men from a new positive appreciative and loving point of view. Thank you!

~K.S. Educator


I loved everything and everyone! Thank you so much for starting your journey and having the courage to share and empower other women and men. My life changed on Day 1 of the workshop. I have always been extra hard on myself and now I feel a genuine sense of forgiveness of myself and others. Thank you!

~I.R. Paralegal


I wish all women knew what you were teaching ~ it would be a happier world!

~S.A. Actress, writer, meditation teacher


I’ve discovered a whole new level of feminity within me, a feminine side that can be embraced and expressed around men. I am complete with who I am as a woman and know that what I have to offer men is real and cherished just by being me!

~S. P. customer service/yoga teacher


Before coming to this workshop, I had 12 years of intensive personal, spiritual and relationship growth work, plus listened to every program from Pax that I could get my hands on. The audios gave me hope that I might have the life come back into my 20 year marriage, and that hope came into full blossom in my experience of the live workshop. My husband is catching on to the possibility in this too. I feel so grateful!

~J.K. spiritual teacher


Thank you first of all for making this possible that I am able to come out this weekend and let go of my past and just be vulnerable and open to all the things I have been holding onto with the wall I built up in the past.

~L. B. Deli supervisor


I am so pleased with the information that I have attained in this workshop. I loved the practice and panel especially. It was fun and light hearted which is important for such heavy healing. I enjoyed Michelle’s energy, humor, boundaries, insight, and compassion.

~R. S. Healer


This was by far the best time I had learning about men. Michelle teaches us through some hard topics. I found it to be very safe to be open and share my stories and can see my action with open eyes and heart. I am ready and willing to be a women who supports all the men around her and feel free.

~A. S. Technical Designer


Michelle was an excellent instructor! I really feel more clear and open to dealing with all of the men in my life!! I would definitely do this program again! Thank you for taking the time to put these programs together.

~N. D. Technical Design Manager


I found a new point of view about men and women relative to all aspects of my life that gives me faith that everything is working out perfectly and my well being is being support by the universe and community around me.

~J. C. Engineer


I am 26 years old! I feel like I am a lot younger and at a different stage in life than a lot of the other women, but I feel like this workshop is almost more important for younger women! With these tools I can try to break habits earlier or be more aware of some that I have not experienced yet. I am engaged and getting married next year. I feel like this is a great resource as I embark on a new chapter of my life. It has relived a lot of my anxiety! I know I have a great man! Now I know how to communicate and understand him better.

~J. W. Student


This 2 day event has been transformational in my understanding of how men operate and how to better connect with them. It has been a revelation to learn that men and women have so many differences! I am so grateful for the understanding that my happiness is fuel to the men in my life.

~S. S. Actress


Taking this workshop was transformational. I came in being bitter and angry at men and by the end I was warm and fuzzy. Now I have a great new point of view of men! Thank you truly!

~A. F. software developer and manager


This program opened my eyes to the powerful value of my womanhood and the incredible gifts men want to bring into my experience – as long as I let them.

~M.Z. designer


Thank you Michelle! So many breakthroughs. I am no longer trying to be a better man! I am claiming vulnerability, my ideal woman no longer lives here.

~L. C.

Michelle, when I first met you at your Making Sense of Men presentation, I explained to you 
that I wanted to take the The Queen’s Code Workshop primarily to improve my communication with the men in my life, specifically my daughter’s father. At that time, we could not speak at all. We had been separated for nearly six months, and we harbored intense anger and resentment for each other. The breakdown in our communication was so bad, that it was impossible to speak even if just to facilitate communication via Skype between he and our two year old daughter (he lives in Greece and we reside in NY). You suggested to me at that time that the The Queen’s Code series would not only provide me with the tools to be able to communicate effectively and harmoniously, but that perhaps a reconciliation between us as lovers was possible. I scoffed at that “possibility”, as it was not something I even cared to entertain.

My expectations of The Queen’s Code Workshop were that I would gain a better understanding of how men think, and that I would be given tools to communicate with them better so that I could convey my needs effectively without coming across as needy or demanding. What I did not expect was the completely cathartic healing process that occurred during that 2 day seminar. I was able to see for the first time in my life what a negative and distorted view of men I had and how that was wreaking havoc in my relationships with them. I healed so many old wounds by accepting my responsibility, learning to forgive myself and allowing myself to let go of the past. I learned to communicate with men from a place of truth and love, while respecting their distinctive listening style and honoring my own needs. I became empowered to learn that men really want women to be themselves and nothing more, and so I am becoming more grounded in who I am.

I have grown so much in the past 6 weeks since the The Queen’s Code Workshop. I am happy to report that not only are my ex and I communicating well, we are on a path to reconciliation!!! In fact, I write you this testimonial now from the home we share together in Athens, Greece! From the break in between the first and second days of the seminar, my ex – well, I shouldn’t call him that now 😉 – we have been able to communicate in a calm, non-aggressive way and we are truly listening to each other for maybe the first time in the 4 years we are together, and feeling heard by each other. When we get to a point where we do not or cannot necessarily understand each other, we are now able to respect each other’s point of view, whereas before our communication would have collapsed into arguments.

I was nervous at first to be spending so much money on a course about understanding men, but now I can say wholeheartedly that this course is priceless!!! And to be quite honest, I think I owe a lot to you personally Michelle as the teacher and guide through the material. You led us from the heart, you believe and live the lessons you preach, and your warmth and caring resonate so deeply in the hearts of your students.

I am not sure what the future holds for my “ex” and I, but there is light and hope again. Because of this course, my daughter spent the holidays with her dad, her grandmother, her aunts and uncles and cousins here in Greece who love and miss her very much. And so all these family members benefitted too by the healing you facilitated. You helped to spread so much love this holiday season!!!

Thank you Michelle, from the bottom of my heart. You have touched my soul and I am forever grateful for your presence in my life.



"I love a lot of things about you, Michelle. I love how playful, open, and intelligent you are. It’s beautiful how your natural way of being is being of service with such dignity, grace, and brightness. You are fun and happy on purpose."

Alison Artmstrong

Author of the Queen's Code Book & creator of the Queen's Code Workshop

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